The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105127   Message #2210362
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-Dec-07 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: Online Songbook:Put's Golden Songster (J.A. Stone)
Subject: Put's Golden Songster - Preface and Index
Well, Debby McClatchy owed me a favor, so I cajoled her into going to the California State Library in Sacramento, where she copied all 63 pages of Put's Golden Songster for me. All sorts of doors opened for her when they learned her name was McClatchy - after John A. Sutter, McClatchy is probably the second most important name in Sacramento history. I'll be posting the entire text of the book over time.
Thanks, Debby.

Put's Golden Songster

containing the largest and most popular collection of California Songs ever published
by the Author of Put's Original California Songster
John A. Stone, 1858

To the Public

Induced by the indulgence and favor you have extended to my previous "Local Songsters" - as also at the solicitation of many personal friends - I again adventure a third series of observations in verse, and trust that my efforts, as exhibited in the following pages, will receive your approval and support.
Originally commenced to relieve the tedium of a lonely cabin life, and with no thought at the time of their publication, I have endeavored to portray, as graphically as possible, LIFE IN CALIFORNIA, at a time when the restraints of society had to some extent become released; and I can only imagine - from the success which has attended my humble efforts - that I have "held the mirror up to Nature;" and if the reflections to some may seem harsh, I have only to say that your recognition of their truthfulness has incited me to this characteristic production, and that I have "nothing extenuated nor set down aright in malice."
This number corresponds in size to the "Original California Songster" and being entirely different in matter and music, will be an acceptable companion to the patrons of the former editions.
"Put this and that together!"
Gratefully yours,


A California Ball - 13
A Miners' Meeting - 23
A Ripping Trip - 46
And Thus He Spoke - 35
California Bank Robbers - 39
California Stage Company - 31
Hangtown Gals - 58
He's the Man For Me - 27
He Ought to Know - 56
I'm Sad and Lonely Here - 18
I Often Think of Writing Home - 48
Loss of the Central America - 7
On Board the Steamer - 29
Parting Friends - 8
Sacramento Gals - 21
So Would I - 26
Steam Navigation Thieves - 61
Sweet Betsy from Pike - 50
That Is Even So - 53
Then Hurrah for Home - 60
The Happy Miner - 43
The Last Good-by - 19
The Miner's Dream - 59
The Mountain Cottage - 16
The Sensible Miner - 62
The Rowdy - 25
The Shady Old Camp - 33
The Unhappy Miner - 36
The Vocal Miner - 9
War In Camp - 30
You Who Don't Believe It - 11

California Mining Localities - 63