The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106810   Message #2211320
Posted By: BB
08-Dec-07 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Two sons were brothers
Subject: RE: Origins: Two sons were brothers
More and more interesting! The root of the John Wesley song is obviously the same.

"John Wesley had three daughters fair, and they was tall and thin,
He took them to the river bank and threw the buggers in.

There came along three farmer's sons, and they was tall and stout;
They saw them struggling in the stream and pulled the buggers out."

"John Wesley had an old straw hat without no crown nor brim,
'Twouldn't 'a' bin much use to thee, and 'twadn't no use to him."

We tend not to sing this in 'polite' circles!
