The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106868   Message #2211510
Posted By: Gulliver
08-Dec-07 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: Two and a half days in Dublin
Subject: RE: Two and a half days in Dublin
The 'Oliver St John Gogerty' pub is a terrible tourist trap full of drunken lager louts. Avoid it at all costs--there's a great range of good restaurants in Dublin. Call by the tourist office in Andrew Street (near Trinity College) where there's a stack of brochures on places to go, and staff to provide information. There's lots of music, sessions, etc., as well as those mentioned above. If you're there on Sunday morning a stroll around Georgian Dublin (Merrion Square, etc.) is well worth the effort, with lunch in Dawson St. or anywhere in the neighbourhood and then you can do a bit of shopping as well. Trinity College, Dublin Castle (hourly tours of the State Apartments), the Cathedrals, O'Connell Street and lots more are worth seeing.
