The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106898   Message #2211890
Posted By: Rasener
09-Dec-07 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: The Write Note - Faldingworth Dec22nd 07
Subject: The Write Note - Faldingworth Dec22nd 07
Saturday December 22nd 2007 Faldingworth Memorial Hall

The Write Note is coming to Faldingworth hosted by Steve Jackson

Artists appearing to date :-

Steve Jackson. Gwenda & Terry Cater. Stitherum. Paul Young. Richard Langridge. John Pape

Entrance £1 The bar will be open. Bring something for the buffet table.

The music will be accoustic without PA

Come along and enjoy the last event at Faldingworth for 2007

Doors open 7:30pm for 8:00pm prompt start.

For more info - call Steve Jackson on 01522-824563 or Les Worrall on 01673 843036
