The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64358   Message #2212262
Posted By: Melissa
09-Dec-07 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mr. Spider (Little Body Rinctum)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Mr. Spider (Little Body Rinctum)'
Froggie Went a courtin'..I learned the "uh huh" version. My sister (6yrs younger) learned the "crambo" line ending (same town/school)
At gs camp, however, we had the girls sing one with a "ringtum" thing.

What will the wedding supper be?
rintum body mitchy cambo
Fried mosquito and a roasted flea..
ringtum body mitchy cambo

Kemo dearo down to cairo,
kemo dearo cairo
Straddle-addle-addle boba laddle boba lingtum
ringtum body mitchy cambo