The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106886   Message #2212286
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Dec-07 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tami's home
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
I discovered this discussion (and the other thread) just now. Too bad the first thread is closed, I had some remarks.

I am sorry this abusive situation happened and the law enforcement folks were not helpful. But I must protest all of the name calling of the Snohomish County folks. When you commingle civil issues with criminal issues, it is messy. You were also there during a time when the worst storm in decades was descending on the region and flooding was a real problem. Try to call a cop in Louisiana or Texas when a hurricane and blowing through--there must be some sort of triage that happens when they decide what to respond to. I'm in Texas now, I'm not in Everett, where I grew up (in Snohomish County). But I keep track of some of the goings on in the county. There is no excuse for the rudeness you encountered; that is unfortunately something one finds in most communities at some level. Snohomish County hasn't cornered the market on it.

My mom worked for years for the DSHS (Dept. of Social and Health Services) and had to work hard to have her ducks all lined up in order to get certain law enforcement things to happen (like removing children from abusive homes). Perhaps instead of pondering the helpfulness of Repo men, a good attorney would have helped wade through the civil vs. legal challenges.

Snohomish County isn't a backwater, and it isn't particularly backwards. It's a continuation of a major metropolitan area that expands outward from Seattle (it's the next county north of King County, were Seattle is located). I didn't see any input from any of the Everett folks on that last thread, and the lone Washington resident who did respond was a couple of hundred miles away. If I had seen this I have a couple of people in county Snohomish County and City of Everett positions who might have been able to offer some suggestions. I'm sorry I didn't see this. As someone else remarked earlier, it didn't have anything in the thread title that would have attracted my attention to respond as a local (or to contact a local). FWIW.