The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20888   Message #221236
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-May-00 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dates worth singing about. . .
Subject: RE: BS: Dates worth singing about. . .
Anyone who loved how Mudcat WAS could do well to take responsibnility for cleaning up the old bad feelings they left all over ther place.

Music scholars, funsters, BOTH of you please hear me-- you need to address how you dragged each other's hearts through the mud long before we newer members arrived. We trip over it all the time with NO idea where the hurt feelings lie. And we did not cause them either. It isn't fair to the newer ones to get slammed for messes that should have been cleaned up long ago.

I get personal messages all the time with "Be careful" "Be thoughtful" Be quiet" "Be loud and proud" "You need to know that some people feel..." "You don't know this but we had a bad mess and we are still reeling from this or that or whatever so change YOUR conduct newbie if you would be so kind".

No newcomer can clean up what you fear we will step in, you have to do that job yourselves.

You might as well know that I have more to say on this and I am going to be saying it.

Keli, you did ask about songs and several were posted. What more people want, is not reasonable to require of you. Enjoy being here and watch out for invisible cowpies only if you wish to.
