The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106886   Message #2212551
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Dec-07 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tami's home
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
It's just a sign of the widespread concern for you all at Mudcat, Tami; sometimes in that concern it's hard to remember that you're smart, powerful women who will be more than able to do your own best thinking about when to pick up any loose ends and tie them up. (I suspect we've all had our own experiences with "loose ends.")

But of course you are, and you don't owe us a play-by-play account of whatever action your mom eventually takes, now or ever. What we really want is the play-by-play on the hugs you're wrapping her up in-- just kidding! :~)

Merry Christmas! May the New Year be filled with the peace and fun you all deserve.
