The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106926   Message #2213794
Posted By: GUEST,Edthefolkie
12-Dec-07 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: Recordings of Bert Lloyd's storytelling
Subject: RE: Recordings of Bert Lloyd's storytelling
Thanks Fred for the KUSSSHmaker! Brought back a few memories.

Bert did a gig at the Merlin's some time in 1973 and told that story. All of us young folkies sat there enthralled and none of us saw the punchline coming! Blimey, I can almost hear his voice now.

For me, it was like sitting at the feet of a (kindly) God. He was a truly great man.

Incidentally isn't it Bert at the back in that famous photo of Dylan doing a floor spot at the Cousins or somewhere?