The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20965   Message #221554
Posted By: Sourdough
02-May-00 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: 'Everybody Loves Saturday Night'
Subject: RE: 'Everybody Loves Saturday Night'
I first heard the song in the Louis deRochemont widescreen movie (I think it was more of a documentary than anythng else - but beautifully shot as I recall) that came out in the mid-Fifties called "Windjammer". It was about he adventures of Nowegian naval cadets on board the Christiaan Radich, a steel hulled "tall ship" used by the Norwegian Navy for cadet training.

The song probably ran for three minutes and each verse was the same lyric sung in a different language. There was Polish, German, Chinese, Hebrew, etc. but the thought was always the same.

I don't know that this helps but it may offer you a lead or two.
