In the center where I am employed Developmental Disability covers a broad range of disabilities. From Cerebral Palsy to Friedrich's Ataxia and many spaces with in. Not all people with a DD are mentally disabled but a percentage are. Not all people who have an MR diagnosis are physically disabled. But saddly, only a decade or so ago it was assumed that all people with a disability from birth were probably mentally impaired as well. Consequentally many were locked away in Developmental Centers, Enclaves, and asylums. A little enlightenment into the world of developmental disability and the world has changed. Mostly this came about with the invention of many diverse communications devices.We work with many people who are unable to communicate verbally but are in no way mentally impaired. With communications devices like Prentke-Romichs Liberator, which has Blue Hawaii programed into it, and The Dynavox and DynaMyte by Sunrise, Inc. many of these people are learning to speak. Some folks are writing eloquent poetry and still others are writing lyrics. Once the incredible potential of personal communication is unlocked, hidden artists are coming out of the darkness that was caused by a Devlopmental Disability diagnosis.
With the newly developed voice synthesizing software and midi interfaces for computers, there is no reason why people who are with out vocallization abilities shouldn't soon be singing their own songs with their own voices.