The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107019 Message #2215859
Posted By: Wild Flying Dove
15-Dec-07 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: Immigration to Belgium
Subject: RE: Immigration to Belgium
Belgium is an odd little country that probably didn't ought to exist at all. When I ( Bubblyrat) was working over there, in Kortrijk ( Courtrai ), I spent some time learning about the country from my mentors, the VDAB, ( Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding !! ),and was surprised to learn about the large numbers of Italians who had settled in Belgium after WW2. Apparently, Belgium had large reserves of coal, but nobody to mine it, whilst Italy was short of coal, but had masses of displaced persons & refugees, so a deal was done whereby Italy got coal in exchange for manpower. Thus it came about that the third largest ethnic group , linguistically speaking, in Belgium speaks Italian.As to the "tensions " between the Walloons & Flemings -- well, that must be a political tool, because everyone I met out there, irrespective of their French or Dutch -speaking loyalties, got along with each other splendidly !! And Belgium is a very small and densely populated country, like The Netherlands, so I wouldn't have thought that was any room left for "immigrants", from anywhere else at all. Mind you, I'd go tomorrow, if I had the chance !!