The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107019   Message #2215979
Posted By: Riginslinger
15-Dec-07 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Immigration to Belgium
Subject: RE: Immigration to Belgium
The link doesn't seem to work for me. But the basic facts as we recall them from the 1990's were these. Albania is a country with a rapidly expanding population, they spilled over into Kosovo in large numbers. Serbia tried to expell them, but their timing was bad because President Clinton needed desparately to get Monica Lewinsky's picture off the front pages of the newspaper.

                He hit upon the idea of calling the Kosovo situation a humanitarian issue, Madeline Albright discovered she was Jewish, and they convinced NATO to come into the evacuation on the side of the Albanians.

                This worked for a number of reasons: Albania was Islamic, which helped the situation in the Middle East, the Russians were too wrapped up in their own problems at the time to put up much of a resistance, so it worked to further embarrass them, and it did what it was designed to do, Lewinsky's smiling face was moved to the back pages of the papers.

                Now, in order not to admit what was really going on, the West has to try to pretend like an independant Kosovo is a really good thing.

                The victims were the Serbs who had been living there for centuries, but they've been painted in the press as the bad guys, so everything is just wonderful.

                The broader implications are obvious. The US has Catholic countries to the south, and Europe has Islamic countries to the south and east.