The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107019   Message #2216012
Posted By: Emma B
15-Dec-07 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Immigration to Belgium
Subject: RE: Immigration to Belgium
Riginslinger the 'huge migration' you referred to happened at the end of the 1600s beginning of the 1700s and was as a result of Serbian migration north so, in fact, was a direct result of the underpopulation of Kosovo at the time!

Slobodan Milosevic's attempt at 'ethnic cleansing' of the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo is a tragic undisputed fact of recent history.

'Muslims and Croats were either forced into exile as refugees, held as hostages for use in prisoner exchanges, or placed in concentration camps. Many were summarily executed. An estimated 20,000 Muslim women and girls were thrown into rape camps'

What the **** has Monica Lewinsky got to do with any of this?

and for that matter what has allowing a very small settled Belgian non EU population the right to vote in local elections as practicesed in other European countries got to do with the situation in either Kosovo or North America either?