The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107019 Message #2216087
Posted By: Emma B
15-Dec-07 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: Immigration to Belgium
Subject: RE: Immigration to Belgium
and for this you quote the movement of people in the 17th century? - get real!!!
Ringlinslinger, I grew up in a 'democracy' where for too many years 'Gerrymandering' was openly practised in one part of the 'Kingdom' and numerous residents of a different religion from the party in power were effectively disenfranchised.
Of course another way to ensure you have the majority is ethnic cleansing or simply to continue to ignore the UN General Assembly Resolution 194 passed in 1948.
I really can't cope with this much intransigence in the face of recorded history; I do have much better things and more productively useful to do than to continue this debate - like wash my hair!