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Thread #107019   Message #2216243
Posted By: Sorcha
15-Dec-07 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Immigration to Belgium
Subject: RE: Immigration to Belgium
Oh gee.....America.....WHICH America? North? South? Central?
United States...WHICH United States?
Los Estados Unidos de Mexico.....The United States of Mexico.

Celts--I suggest you do a bit of research on the 'Celts'. They 'may' have come out of Scythia, the Alps, the Eurasian steppes, Gaul, or a heck of a lot of places. They sure did end up in a lot of places too.


"Celtic culture was spread from the Iberian Peninsula to Anatolia (Turkey), but the ultimate origin of the Celts is a subject of controversy. Traditionally, scholars have placed the Celtic homeland in what is now southern Germany and Austria, associating the earliest Celtic peoples with the Hallstatt culture. (see List of Celtic tribes for the names of specific, early Celtic peoples)."

From Wiki, which DOES admit it needs more citations for accuracy, but in the main, the article seems correct.

NO WAY is Belgium 'too far East'.....sheesh, it's nearly the Hallstatt 'homeland'.

Reference overpopulation and migration routes:

I suggest you do your homework before you start slinging mud. Go read some Abraham Maslow. 'Immigration' is neither the result nor the cause of overpopulation. Historically, 'immigration' HAS meant the fall of empires. See Rome. Before Rome, see Greece. See Alexander.

What exactly are you afraid of?

That Spanish will become the standard tongue of the United States of America? I rather doubt that, mostly because English is more adaptable, more easily 'bent' to new words and technology, and is far too established to be replaced easily. It's also easier to learn than Nahuatl. (Actually, Spanish is easier to learn than English)

Afraid that 'white' will become a minority? Well, lemme tell ya a couple of things.
1) Hispanic/Mexican IS white.

2) I am pretty sure that the WASPs are already a 'minority' in the USA. I mean those 'white' people descended from European countries OTHER than Spain. After all, if we include Spain, we must include all those Spanish-speaking peoples that dared to interbreed with the Indian population of the southern Americas. Besides, those Spaniards were Roman Catholic! Is that what scares you? A religion other than yours? Go take some comparative religion classes.

3) It has been scientifically PROVEN that 'race' just doesn't exist. RACE means homo sapiens...HUMAN. ALL HUMANS are able to interbreed with all others. Is that what scares you?

Now, 'ethnicity' does exist and is closely tied to 'culture'. Are cultures other than the one you are a member of what scares you? Better get used to that because if the HUMAN RACE doesn't learn and learn FAST how to be a Multi Cultural race, the planet is pretty doomed.

This IS due partly to overpopulation which causes many bad things. All crime rates rise, particularly 'crimes against persons' (and I will include animal abuse in that). When people are too crowded they tend to 'go nuts' and do things they wouldn't otherwise do. Research 'carrying capacity'.

Part of the problem (which 'may' be induced by overpopulation) is ecological. Simply by being on the planet and becoming a global phenomenon, humans have changed the Earth. Technology has both harmed and hurt.

Remember, not ALL of the planet is overpopulated, and it simply can't be the Root of All Evil that you would seem to like it to be. Migration has always happened in the planet history, and not just Human migration. Overpopulation is sometimes, but not always the cause of migrations.

Suspicious, eh? Of what? That our near neighbors want a piece of the pie? I've never heard of AZATLAN, MALDF, MEChA, and etc. but I'm pretty sure that La Raza is a 'gang' related thing. So, 'ethnic pride' is a BAD thing, Ringslinger? Isn't that exactly what YOU are promoting?

(I'd really like to know about the 'and etc.' groups)
Sorry for the book—I was a bit irritated. Rant over now.