The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69767   Message #2216697
Posted By: Ron Davies
16-Dec-07 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Secularist Tradition
Subject: RE: BS: American Secularist Tradition

You seem to see religion as a serious obstacle to preserving the planet. Wrong again.

Many religions, Christianity and Judaism definitely included, have as a precept that man is to be a steward of God's creation, the earth and all its creatures.

From this perspective, it's obvious that contrary to your belief, religion is at least partly a countervailing force to heedless exploitation of the earth.

If your target is overpopulation, you should realize that there are many other factors than "be fruitful and multiply" that play a role here, including the macho culture which refuses birth control, and the millennia-long feeling in farm communities all over the world that a big family is necessary to work the farm.

You seem to specialize in simplistic verdicts which support your anti-religion stance, not bothering to see if there are facts on the other side.   Much like our current so-called leader, in his approach to making policy.

t really would be a good idea for you to actually do some research on religion, if that's to be a main focus of your postings. It might save you from more rather foolish assertions.