The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107019   Message #2217259
Posted By: number 6
17-Dec-07 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: Immigration to Belgium
Subject: RE: Immigration to Belgium
Ringslinger ... In defense of your referring me to being 'blind', I feel there is much land on this planet than can become 'productive' to sustain the world's population ..... I've also cut and pasted this from Wikepedia 'overpopulation' ... this reflects my views in my stand to having a positve approach and not taking the route of the doom and gloomers of the world. All it all it can be done ... if all of mankind wants it to.

"Similarly, in his 2007 book The Improving State of the World, Indur M. Goklany argues that there is little problem with overpopulation, as humanity's state is rapidly improving overall and environmental problems can be overcome. It proposes that in the early stages of economic and technological development, negative environmental impacts increase because securing access to such necessities as food, shelter, and energy is seen as more important than protecting the environment. As development continues and these supply problems are solved, environmental impact becomes a higher priority, and steps are then taken to reduce it. This pattern can be seen for many environmental indicators, such as air quality, availability of safe water, sanitation, and toxic residues (e.g., DDT and PCBs) in human tissues, which initially declined with increasing development but have more recently improved."
