The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4110   Message #22182
Posted By: Corinna
25-Feb-98 - 02:01 AM
Thread Name: Methodologies
Subject: RE: Methodologies
Interesting discussions...Bruce and Joe seem to keep stirring the pot. You can lead a horse and a historian to water but ya can't make them sing. You can always take a singer and make them sing about history but you can't make 'em sing it like they sung it in the past if they don't want to and less likely if they are drinking water. Sometimes even the inaccuracies are entertaining and enlightening about the times and the people associated with a piece of music. I personally like to know something about the music, just don't talk too much and make sure to play with feeling. Just as there are all kinds of folks there are all kinds of folk music. Perhaps the only commonalities are the topics (love, death, living life, family, community, cosmic questions) the delivery (I'm here to tell ya a story, Didya hear about the..., Once upon a time...) and a strong or haunting refrain for the crowd to join in. I believe I have covered the Global Folk Song Methodology which would allow for Stairway to Heaven to be included as a folk song. [Gnashing and wailing or great rejoicing depending on your folkal (focal, too?) inclination.]