The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107120   Message #2218458
Posted By: GUEST,Doug Olsen
18-Dec-07 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: Wassail Song in Sharp 100 English Songs
Subject: Wassail Song in Sharp 100 English Songs
In the book "100 English Folk Songs", Sharp prints a Wassail song (No. 92) with a great Dorian tune and mostly well-known words, except one verse -- "O Master and Mistress if you are so well pleased / Pray set all on your table, your white bread and your cheese / And put forth your roast beef, your porrops and your pies"

-- does anyone know where Sharp found this one? He doesn't say.
-- does anyone know what porrops are? The OED doesn't say.

Thanks, and Wassail!