The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107107   Message #2218693
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
19-Dec-07 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poisoned pancakes?
Subject: RE: BS: Poisoned pancakes?
No problem, but if you need one to keep you happy, I will create one.

My post was intended to be informational and to bother the squeamish.
(worked in a lab at a U. S. Army hospital that checked quality of food being sold to the military in that region.

The injunction to keep a years supply of food wasn't pronounced by Moroni, but was given by Brigham Young, who led the exodus to Utah. A crop failure would have had serious consequences in the early days of settlement when migrants were arriving with very little in the way of supplies, many of them pushing a handcart across the prairies containing all of the family's belongings. Young's statement was "Learn to sustain yourselves, lay up grain and flour and save it for a day of scarcity."

I am not a Mormon, but the advice was good for the times. We pretty much follow Rapaire's practice. Here in western Canada, if one leaves the cities, it pays to have a 'winter kit'- survival gear and food- in the car at all times.