The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21029   Message #221953
Posted By: SeanM
03-May-00 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: History: The Standards of 1895
Subject: RE: History: The Standards of 1895
The site I posted goes into detail. It's listed as an "undeterminable" Urban Legend that's been floating around.

A point brought up on the site... more important than just the immediate assumption that today's kids couldn't do well on the test, consider the fact that many of the questions are things that just don't apply any more. F'r instance, the math sections are nothing but regular arithmetic, using archaic terms, and on one occasion ("Write a promissory note") a useless skill in today's world.

As well, while I personally can't name all the various rules for capitalization or grammar that they request, I on several occasions in my schooling turned in essays that were savagely shredded in the search for the slightest error.

Also of note... the questions that has over the authenticity... apparently this 'society' that posts said test has other documents as well, one of which is relatively certainly a fake...