The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21004   Message #221968
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
03-May-00 - 01:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
Subject: RE: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
The twentyfifth anniversary of the American evacuation from Saigon was last Sunday and I was struck both by how long it had been since then, and how long the war lasted. I suppose we will be the last American generation who was considered expendable by their country. The Gulf War was a sign of how war will be fought in the future: quickly, with massive mechanized fire power, and reported by a controlled media. Never again will Americans be sent into enemy territory to draw fire so that the enemy can be engaged, and the body count tallied. Never again will America engage in war without the government first presenting a solid case for taking up arms. Massive casualties are no longer acceptable. Perhaps we have grown beyond that.

We who were weaned on tales of our fathers' bravery were asked to fight a twilight battle, against an unclear foe, in a struggle whose goals were uncertain. Those of us who stayed shared something with those who went: We all lived with the Vietnam War. And all of us, soldier and demonstrator alike, owe something to those who died there. That we join in an attempt to understand what happened and why it happened, and that we forgive each other and ourselves, is the very least we can do. At our best, we will help our country go forward on a path that is not dictated by fear, but by wisdom. And let us be careful in our use of the great power at our disposal so that, as we do not sacrifice the youth of our country, neither do we sacrifice the lives of our enemies without overwhelming cause.