The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10111 Message #2221469
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
23-Dec-07 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Whatever happened to Terrea Lea
Subject: RE: Terrea Lea
Stefan Wirz--I just visited your website...very nice!
You asked for some additional input on the albums. I have found some album dates you might be able to use: terrea lea - 1970 (I have this LP) Conversations with the Heart - ca. 1966 At the Garret - ca. 1961 (I have this LP) Singing Guitar: Folk Songs - 1957
In addition to the albums I own as noted above, I have a copy of 'Folk Songs and Ballads'. I note on the Garret website there is a CD available of many of her songs.