The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107245   Message #2222228
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Dec-07 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Have a lovely Christmas & Happy New Year
Subject: RE: BS: Have a lovely Christmas & Happy New Year
It is almost time for bed, here. I dropped off my grandson, Morgan, at home about 845p after taking him to a candlelight ceremony at the local Unity Church. He did pretty good for his first time - got a little bored, tired and hungry, but he lit his candle and held it mostly upright, fairly well. I only had to grab it once when he'd slid the paper wax catcher all the way to the flame, by accident. But, he learned all about his Light Within and how to "let it shine"...something he does naturally, like most kids. Now he is tucked in at home, ready for Santa.

There is a full moon flirting through the clouds, it is crisp and cold. Should be a nice day, tomorrow.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Everyone!
