The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105418   Message #2223041
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Dec-07 - 12:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Standard experiences you have missed
Subject: RE: BS: Standard experiences you have missed
Kendall, I LIKED your joke, even if nobody else noticed it!

LH said, I skipped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York. . You might skip, but I think the expression is tripped, though I don't know why you'd want to trip a light, unless it was some hunky guy lighting a ciggie for you and you didn't want him to go away, so you could trip him and miss getting your ciggie lit, but get the guy, or I's making m'head hurt!

I have never

graduated from high school (did get a GED) or college
worked my way up a corporate ladder
been arrested
had a moving violation ticket
skied, water or downhill (odd when one grew up in Colorado!)

been out of the United States, except maybe when I was a few months old and mom and dad drove into Canada from where we lived in North Dakota, not sure if they did or not

grown my hair as long as I would like it to be
played soccer

I think it'd be a lot easier to list the things I have done!