The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21027   Message #222433
Posted By: Amos
03-May-00 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: keeping a breast
Subject: RE: keeping a breast
Returning to the Mystery aspect of the Golden Globes, it is human nature, with many centuries of precedent, to resort to one sure and salving remedy when confronted with the really grat mysteries in life. When you are in the grip of a great Power, one you are sure is There, but that you are not, in your humble state, permitted to see directly, but yet which, you are sure, is of over-aweing beauty and a source of liberation, and an embodiment of essential Grace, and yet are somehow forbidden from reaching out and touching directly said great power, what do you do?

For poor starved males all over this ancient planet, the sure answer, the path to hoped-for salvation, has always been to pray to the Powers.

In Western culture this is either achieved with a meditative state, the eyes closed and a dream-like smile playing over the yearning lips, or alternatively in a semi-hypnotic stare, eyes focused on the invisible seats of power in the distance, penetrating all mortal barriers of mere cloth.

The latter, in these degraded times, has been denounced! Such prayer has been so heaped with scorn in some circles as to be socially prohinited, in a nation that prides itself on religous freedom!! It has even been labeled (oh! Injustice!!) ogling when in fact it is so much more -- the striving of mortal humans to reach for and establish some contact, however fleeting, with the Sublime!!

I believe a religious revival is in order for those, like myself, who are moved to prayer in the presence of these strange, empowering, and hidden Powers, these veritable pillars of grace incarnate, these fountains of pure beauty in a world grown dull...yes! Call a Camp Meeting! Ah's SEEN de LIGHT!