The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107356   Message #2225335
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
31-Dec-07 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spanking
Subject: RE: BS: Spanking
Ah Ghoster - you need to first define "love".

The English language is rich in words - there are many words to describe the act of intercourse but only one for 'love'... I love my daughter, but I also love chocolate.

I wouldn't dream of spanking my chocolate but have, when need has arisen, 'spanked' my daughter when she decided that biting was a good way to get her own back after I forbade her to do something. As this something was me telling her not to run out into the road, I thought a slap for the disobeying and another for the biting when I grabbed her to stop her going under a bus would be better than me having to peel her off the radiator of a double decker bus.

Everyone I've ever heard say 'you should never hit a child' has been childless. You do not know how you will react until the situation arises. If a short smack that smarts for a few minutes will prevent a greater pain, then surely that's better.