The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107356   Message #2225432
Posted By: Jeri
31-Dec-07 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spanking
Subject: RE: BS: Spanking
The subject seems to bring out some rather unpleasant extremes in people. I remember the other thread, and I may have contributed.

I got spanked - fully clothed - when I was little. I understood WHY I got spanked because I was always aware of what boundary I'd crossed. I never was afraid for my safety, but usually ashamed and a bit mad I'd been caught. Yes, sometimes the slaps stung, but that faded in seconds and there was no lasting effect, save me remembering and avoiding in the future whatever behavior prompted the spanking.

It was more of a symbolic gesture than anything else. When I got to a certain age (maybe around 8 or 9) I realized the spanking had never really hurt. My bragging, "Go ahead, I don't care!" made my parents change tactics to something far less easy to get over, such as, "No, you can't go." Of course, I don't remember any of those punishments as they varied to suit the offense. Frequently, my own feeling of guilt was enough, and the echoes of that terrible, bone-chilling phrase, "I'm disappointed in you..."