The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107356   Message #2225449
Posted By: kendall
31-Dec-07 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spanking
Subject: RE: BS: Spanking
Cluin, I never did answer your question, the answer is, No, I was never beaten or spanked as a child by either parent.

A few days ago my Grandson was here clearing my driveway. When he was a little boy, he was defiant and a constant pain in the ass. One evening when I was visiting him and his Mother, he refused to go up to bed. He sat down on the living room floor and spouted defiance. My daughter couldn't do a thing with him. She did not believe in spanking and was at the end of her rope. I suggested that she let me try.
I went to him and told him to get up and go to bed. He refused, so I took him by his ear and gently tugged on it whie repeating the order. At last I told him that I could easily remove his ear and give it to the cat. He stood up and went to bed.
The other day, he mentioned that incident and we both had a good laugh.
I always believed it was easier and more rewarding to outsmart them than to hurt them.
I would not try that trick today, he stands 6 feet plus ad weighs 260 pounds.
Oh, and by the way, he thinks I hung the moon.