The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107356   Message #2226364
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
01-Jan-08 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spanking
Subject: RE: BS: Spanking
I'm sure watching my father beat my mother was far more damaging to me than any physical reprimands I got from her.

Consequently it has made me into a person who loathes bullies and violence. I am only being honest when I say I "spanked" Limpit when she was a toddler. Note the past tense. She got older and wiser and a bit more sensible and we were able to reason with each other why she shouldn't do particular things. She certainly never bit me again.

She learned when to stop and so did I. When I found it had the potential to get out of control, I sought help... how many parents would even admit to that?

Oh, just so you know - my "spankings" consisted of a single slap to the back of her hand, with my thumb and fingers covering most of that hand as I held it out, so we both got the message.