The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107324   Message #2226758
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jan-08 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: 'A Mighty Wind' on Irish TV tonight TG4
Subject: RE: 'A Mighty Wind' on Irish TV tonight TG4
Yeah, that was Joan Baez/5 from 1964, and it was a great album.

The one she did that I liked best of all was "Farewell Angelina" the year after that. She really made the title song her own, as she also did with Dylan's "Love Is Just a Four Letter Word" (an inspired title, if ever there was one...). I think the year 1965 was the peak of Dylan's lyrical brilliance, and it was the peak of Joan's adaptations of his songs as well.

After that things kind of fragmented in some very strange directions. It was like the whole scene had hit such a high octane by '65 (for Dylan especially) that things just overloaded. He got very alienated with the over-attention he was getting, and there was that big falling out with the folk establishment as it existed then, starting with the events at Newport in '65.

It seems quite odd in retrospect, but people were under a lot of pressure at that time, mostly, I think, because of fallout from the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement. There was a tremendous impulse toward something new and wonderful that had to do with freedom and truth and nonviolence....and an equally tremendous effort by reactionary governmental forces to quash all that utterly.

Those reactionary forces have been killing people wholesale right to this day, mostly Third World people in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, and they are quite busy continuing to do so right now...wherever there are dollars to be made, national resources to steal, populations to enslave.

None of that, however, has much to do with the movie, "A Mighty Wind", so I guess I'm causing major thread drift here.