The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107356   Message #2227017
Posted By: kendall
02-Jan-08 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spanking
Subject: RE: BS: Spanking
I can't imagine telling a child 20 times to do or not do something. In my experience, once was enough.

I firmly believe that hitting a child only teaches that child to hit others. Big people get to hit little people, and that's all they earn.We learn from our parents, good or bad.

Up until age three or four, children do not understand DON'T. If you say Don't hurt the cat, all they hear is   hurt the cat. Their brain hasn't connected each side of itself yet.

I was in law enforcement while two of my girls were growing up and they knew that coming home with a Police officer would be something neither of us would enjoy. It was, of course, a veiled threat, but they knew I meant it.

Becca 72 never gave me a seconds grief. Never argued with me, and when she was not yet in her teens, she used to ask permission to go to her room. And, she never faied to come in from playing when the street light came on.
Now listen to her! Where did I go right?