The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2227688
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Baughman
03-Jan-08 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: Folklore: Boycott Amazing Grace?????
I have begun to feel mild pangs of revulsion when I hear my lefty folky friends sing Amazing Grace. Am I being silly or reasonable???? Here is a song written by a slave trader, a man who made his living through the kidnaping, and often the murder, of African men, women and children. Newton knew full well that he was ripping families apart and that many of his captives would die in the hull of his ship during the long journey across the seas. But he did it anyway, even after his "conversion" to Christianity. Newton had a dramatic conversion in May of 1948 1748 after a fearful storm at sea, but he continued about his slave trading business for another seven years or so after that. And even then, he did not quit out of compassion, but either because of illness or pressure from his English wife (reports vary. Either way, there was nothing noble about his career shift.) And, yes, later in life he became active against slavery. But such changes of heart, it seems to me, are easy as long as they don't affect the pocketbook. I have found no indication that Newton ever divested himself of the wealth he accumulated through his murderous activities. (And he freed none of his "merchandise" after encountering his Redeemer during the 19481748 storm.)

Should we be singing this song??? Or should we leave it for the Klan? I'd sure be curious what folks think about this.

Steve Baughman
San Francisco