The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2227870
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Baughman
03-Jan-08 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
"I don't know which is worse--- slavers or people who try to tell
other people what ought not be sung."

(Well, I'd pick the slavers on that one, and I really hope you would too.) In any event, I'm not telling anyone to do or not do anything. I do, however, hope thaf folks who choose to sing Amazing Grace, and feel warm fuzzies when they do, will keep in mind the horrible things that the chap who wrote it did, things that he never fully repented of.

A broader question, of course, is the extent to which the politics of artists should affect our enjoyment of their art (Wagner is a fine example, Hank Williams, Jr. is another). It is a tough question, and I think it's important one to ask. I'm a bit taken aback by the folks who think it is ogre-like of me to do so.