The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2227883
Posted By: Greg B
03-Jan-08 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing
"I do, however, hope thaf folks who choose to sing Amazing Grace, and feel warm fuzzies when they do, will keep in mind the horrible things that the chap who wrote it did, things that he never fully repented of."

Yeah, and every time I drive down a country road and look at the
beautiful stone walls, I'll keep in mind that slaves built them. That
way I can suitably ruin the whole experience. Hell, maybe I'll just pull over, pick a rock off the top and bash
my brains out with it in order to assuage my guilt at having enjoyed
the view.

While I'm at it I'll light my Nike sneakers on fire, and toss my
Victorian era concertinas into the blaze. After all, the former
are made by underpaid foreign labor and the latter were made by
industrial revolution era wage-slaves.

Guess I can dump my guitars onto the blaze, as well--- they've
got rain forest wood in them.

Maybe I'll just sit at home and do nothing at all, that way I won't
offend anyone. No, damn it--- the studs in my house's frame were
made from clear-cut Pacific Northwest forests, and the gypsum in
the wallboard was probably strip-mined.

If you don't want to sing Amazing Grace, then don't.

But do stop trying to poison it for everyone else, and FOR GOD'S
have the flu, you don't cough on other people on purpose. So maybe
stop trying to make your personal neuroses contagious as well.