The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2227963
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Baughman
03-Jan-08 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
"but recognize that this is your own personal choice or idiosyncrasy, not something you have some right to impose on another. Why try to make a requirement out of such a thing?" Amos.

Jeez, Amos. . . will you quit feeling like I'm some Nazi trying to "impose" stuff on you? Get it straight: no "requirements" are being imposed, proposed, pronounced, advocated, legislated, or otherwise decreed here. OK?

Don, great point. And if you really think that, then you will have ZERO concerns about enjoying, performing, recording, sharing, and otherwise propagating a lovely little piece of music composed by Adolf Hitler (Murray's point above.) Is that the case? Consistency requires that you say "yes." Otherwise, you'll have some explaining to do :-) But your point is a great one. It has gotten me thinking, much as this entire thread has. I am eager to hear your reply to my question.