The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2228010
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Baughman
04-Jan-08 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
"it was just a reflection on the fact that :
A)a man who had done many odious things did a great thing,
B) that we remember many men who did great and odious things,and
C)to make things easy, we lean toward ignoring one or the other--which, we really shouldn't do-- "

All points well taken, Ted. No hard feelings. Jeez, I can't even say I disagree with you.

As for your comments, Slag, that's a whole new subject. I'll just say that I fail to see what's so "amazing" about the kind of grace you speak of. I have never seen any difference between the kind of Christian conversion you describe and a general maturing process of the sort that Newton himself perhaps made, and that most of us make as we start acumulating more life experience. Yes, I get that Christians are fond of saying that their conversion is supernaturally effected, but that's going beyond the evidence. Their conversions bring about changes that are no more fundamental than the changes experienced by those who convert to non-Christian religions, have near death experiences, fall in love, have a profound travel experience, discover Rumi, etc. etc. etc. Nuthin' "amazing" about that.