The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18955   Message #222820
Posted By: Allan C.
04-May-00 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
Well, folks, the joke is on me. I never dreamed that Mrrzy was indeed the Mrrzy I have known all this time! I have known Mrrzy for nearly seven years and, though our paths don't cross very often, I have always been aware that she has an abiding interest in folk music. She discovered this place without my knowing and has been posting as a member for nearly three months! Anyway, although a bit tardy in doing so, I want to welcome her and hope she will find this to be the same fantastic community that I have come to know and love. Mrrzy, it is these 'Catters who are responsible for creating our desire to venture out into the unknown!

Dani, thanks! Look for a personal message later today.