The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2228796
Posted By: Celtaddict
05-Jan-08 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing
Thread drift alert:
Don Firth says:
"Here's something to consider:   No person is the villain in his own movie.
I won't go through the murky convolutions of Adolf Hitler's beliefs, but . . . .
Hitler thought he was doing the right thing."
This is pretty much what Will Smith said recently, that people tend to act for what they see as the best (even if what they see as 'best' is themselves having extreme power or riches, no matter how); he said in effect he doubted even Hitler got up in the morning and said, "Let's see, what can I do that is really evil?" The idea of evil for evil's sake seems to be a standard of cartoons and B movies but does not seem to figure in real life much. But a flock of folks who either did not bother to read or did not bother to think rose up shouting 'Will Smith is a Nazi lover.' Weird reactive populace. (This is related to the fact that niger seed, black thistle seed, is now marketed as 'nyjer' seed so ignorant people are not offended; rather like having folks demand your job if not your head for using the reasonable old word 'niggardly' which means stingy.)