The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107494   Message #2228800
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
05-Jan-08 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Subject: RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
OK, I'll admit it- I am a closet Hillary supporter- just to tweak Sorcha.

The "so goes" is somewhat out of sync with these caucuses which are trying to take over the system, so I dunno.

Oh, for the good old days with the bosses duking it out in the back rooms and the decision given to the delegates on the floor of the conventions. State politicos would select delegates (the head of the delegation carried their vote at the national convention, and he had a pocketful of demands for bargaining). No women, no minorities. Now that was real American democracy! None of this public voting nonsense!
I have a fancy silk and brass badge with Teddy Roosevelt's portrait and lots of gold braid that my grandfather got when he was a delegate to the national (I forget R or D, my knowledge of political history is lost)- back in nineteen and ought something or other.