The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107494   Message #2228827
Posted By: Barry Finn
05-Jan-08 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Subject: RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Leave US alone, go home, we don't want to be part of your Union anymore. You can ski here but then please leave & leave behind your wallets & purses before you go.

We're tired of your shit, we refuse to send any more taxes south of the NH/Mass line. Now known as the Cow Line. Edwards is out, not a chance, this is still a "white race state", there's a reason for that & it ain't pretty, so Obama will most likely get a speeding ticket on his way out even though he's probaly the best of the 3 front rummers (no "N" in naming this group of 3), personnally I'd love to see Dennis K become our govenor if he can't place in the fight for the "Pen House" (a place of pigs), so that leaves Hillary in the "Top Doggie" position with the repubs (short for repulse or repush) trying to doing their doggie style best to get behind her & push her off the cliff. But the republlcans aren't going to fare well a all. NH has thrown them out. "Mitt the Nitt" couldn't get anything right in Mass so they all moved north & this is OUR chance to send him packing, so you'll hear no more from that corporate rapist. MaCain is the only one out of that bunch of low life's that has a decent bone in his body & since he's become a Bush underbelly he shot his only hopes of being taken seriously. So we might let you all know when the counting's done, as to whose the WON butt, then we might wait until Florida counts up their tally 1st. No sense letting our status get shit on by that lot down there. Fool me once,,,,,,,,,fool me twice,,,,,,,right we're not going there a 3rd time George. We're not just a bunch of dirt shit idiot farmers up here, we know what the rest of the country thinks & we're not having another 8 years worth of idiots ruin our Northern Wonderland, we can do that just fine on our own & practically have, Thank You, thank goodness for this past election. So come Tuesday night you can all go out & "F&%K OFF, because we're starting a boycock, we're gonna push the envelope, we're gonna take it to the limit, we're gonna make such a mess out of this election fisco suff that Bush is gonna declear "Martiageable Law" & everything martial will become the new art form. Hillary will declear foul play & want to establish a matriarchy, "Jewels" will want to establish a new Jewish State which will really piss of "Rummy" who'll then bring in the fear of moron/mormon terrorist sushi bombers by sea along our vast coastline, which will by then have a fence around it, & he'll make us over marry those of own sex, US cow farmers will have none of that. YOU CAN ALL JUST GO HOME, DAMN YANKEES, BLUE BLOODS, we like it just fine here with our Downeast neighbors to the west & our Kingdom Come brothers & sisters to our east, lets not forget our saviours to the north either but south of US, you can kiss my ass!

So if you're looking to NEW HAMPSHIRE to guide, direct, consult, console, lead, or patriotize you, "FORGET IT", we'er pulling out we ain't coming/going there. What ever 'baby' comes out of this, you ain't blamming US, the belly of this beast can go & cannabislize itself. When the fucking job of president becomes worth taking maybe then we'll find & elect someone worth taking it!

OK, thanks, I'm done, I'll probably have to move back to Boston now.
