The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107494   Message #2229045
Posted By: Bill D
05-Jan-08 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Subject: RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
I'll make a 'small' wager on Obama, though I'd sure love to see Edwards do well.....and.......
......for the life of me, I can't see why there is so much vitriol aimed at Clinton.
   I read, I watch debates, I watch interviews, I watch speeches on C-Span where I get to hear more detail....and I flatly don't SEE the cold, calculating, cynical, power-mad, war-supporting harridan that some folks are so dead-set against.
   Now, I'm not saying she is my 1st choice, as I am becoming more impressed with Edwards, and Obama is 'sounding' like he is getting a better grasp on the issues.....but Clinton has always seemed to me like someone who is aware of the issues and who has a fairly comprehensive plan for dealing with most of them. (and yes, I know that her husband is part of the deal, but he has a better command of issues and details than anyone I have seen in many years!)

   Yes, I know she has stumbled on expressing some of her attitudes and has not clarified her vote for the war in terms that would satisfy me.... I just don't see that she deserves such negative press. I really doubt that the same opinions and speeches, offered by a man, would get the same reaction. She is called "ambitious", as if that is NOT a label that could fit any of the candidates! National polls still show some pretty broad support for someone agrees with me.

Well, as I say, I am seeing more I like about Obama & Edwards, but so far I see nothing that would make me 'afraid' if Clinton won.