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Thread #107494   Message #2229141
Posted By: Ron Davies
05-Jan-08 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Subject: RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
One other problem with Hillary--and contrast with Obama--is her general attitude. Bush claimed to be "a uniter, not a divider". He never was. Nor is Hillary--her whole style is adversarial politics--just as we've had for 7 years--and longer. Enemies lists and all. It's time to end that.

Obama talks about ending the red state-blue state divide. He really does believe it--and it's already having an effect. I'm hearing more and more about Republicans who say they will support him--for just that reason. Just heard on C-Span from a 67-year old Republican woman in Springfield, Illinois, who says her entire family will vote for Obama. Obama already stands to get a huge portion of independents, not even mentioning Republicans--across the country--to a large extent due to his inclusive attitude.

It's possible for him since, as I've mentioned before, he has neither the divisive legacy of the Vietnam War to contend with, nor the divisive legacy of the 1990's. Hillary has both--and will never lose either.

One of the biggest ironies of this irony-filled political season is that one of Obama's main themes is hope--and building on hope to work for change.

But who was the "man from Hope" in 1992? An excellent theme then--and now. But is it a Clinton theme now? Not likely.

The person now most like Bill Clinton then is obvious--and it ain't Hillary.