The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107494   Message #2229236
Posted By: Jeri
05-Jan-08 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Subject: RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Somebody pointed out this out on TV, and I've put my own spin on it. People are ready for change. Hillary claims to have experience, but if you believe that (and I don't - at least not the way they want me to believe), then you come to the conclusion that she's PART of the 'old'. I voted for Bill, but that was then, and we need a different president. I remember Hillary's health care plan and how badly it tanked. It was a good idea, but she didn't work well with foes and they didn't even try to work with her.

We need hope and dreams and we need to challenge the old and get rid of things that don't fit the dreams. We need some idealism to go with the realism and fight. Edwards has it and so does Obama to a more conservative extent. (I think I just made and oxymoron.) Hillary doesn't.

Let's see how long I can stand to watch the debate tonight...