The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107513   Message #2229372
Posted By: katlaughing
05-Jan-08 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Trail of Tears songs for kids & adults
Subject: RE: Trail of Tears songs for kids

Amazing Grace is a song that holds
great meaning to the Cherokee people
and it is often referred to as the
Cherokee National Anthem.

The words in Cherokee are shown on
on the artwork above. But you will
find the words below, and the English
translation. I am not fluent in Cherokee.
I am trying to learn as much as I can, as
many of us are. But there are differences
in dialects, in the Cherokee Nation, so
this is but one example for better understanding.

Amazing Grace Sung in Cherokee

u ne la nv i u we tsi
i ga gu yv he yi
hna quo tso sv wi yu lo se
i ga gu yv ho nv

a se no yi u ne tse yi
i yo no du le nv
ta li ne dv tse lu tse li
u dv ne yu ne tsv

e lo ni gv
ni li s qua di
ga lu tsv ha i yu
ye di go i
da ni e lo ni gv

u na da nv ti
a ne hv
do dv ya nv
hi li

tso s hna quo
ni go hi lv
do ho wa ne
he s i he s i he s i

Translation of Cherokee version into English

God's son paid for us
then to heaven He went
after paying for us.

But He said, When He rose,
"I'll come again"
He said when He spoke.

All the earth will end when He comes.
All will see him
All over the earth.

All the good people living
He will come after.

Heaven always,
in peace they will live.

I'll see what else I can find in my sources