The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107521   Message #2229487
Posted By: Brendy
05-Jan-08 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Recording on Computers
Subject: RE: Tech: Recording on Computers
I bought this: The Fostex MR8 HD in November. I've had a few cassette-type 4 tracks before, but this was my first step into the digital age of home recording.

I tried recording directly into Sonar on the computer, but too much processing power was been taken up and after a few audio tracks get added, syncing could be terrible be-times...

The MR8's are fairly cheap at the minute; I've seen versions of them at twice the price. That particular one has a 40GB hard drive...., much better than those totally useless (imo) Compact Flash yokes.

There is a bit of choice out there, all the same, but I'm happy enough (so far) with the HDR I got. Fostex themselves, describe it as an 'Entry Level' multitracker.

When I get rich, I'll buy Abbey Road, and let all my mates record for free.....
