The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21028   Message #223108
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
04-May-00 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dandelion Wine Recipe
Subject: RE: BS: Dandelion Wine Recipe
We've made dandelion wine a few times with flowers from our ORGANIC lawn. Important point. My recipe, from my mother, from her mother, is simpler and easier I think, but that stir first thing in the morning can knock you out. And the final product is very potent. I don't care for it, but people tell me it's like a good, dry, French wine.
Dandelion flower heads (3 quarts)
Water (3 gallons)
Sugar (8 lbs)
Lemons (2)
Oranges (2)
Raisins (1 lb)
Bread (1 slice toasted) or yeast cake (1)

Rinse flowers well and boil 20 minutes. Strain. Take 1 qt of the liquid and boil 20 minutes more with rind of lemons and oranges. While still warm, add sugar and stir until dissolved. Let cool and put into large crock. Add sliced oranges, lemons, raisins and rest of liquid. Place slice of toasted bread or crumble yeast cake on top of mixture in crock. Cover crock loosely with clean cloth.

Leave 40 days, stirring every morning and every night. Strain or syphon and put into bottles. Let sit until sediment forms. Strain again and return to bottles.