The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2231162
Posted By: Donuel
08-Jan-08 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
An economy needs an engine.

At first the US had the engine of slavery and and a cotton industry along with light manufacturing and raw materials.

The engine was fueled by expansion like the Louisiana purchase and theft of land my murdering Indians and Mexicans.

The Civil War engine turned on heavy manufacturing.

We have lost our manufacturing.

we had a computer boom for an engine.

We are now losing our high tech manufacturing.

A series of wars have been the engine the US has relied upon for over 100 years.

The most recent engine for the economy was the low interest rate speculation on homes and the sale of bundled mortgages investement instruments called derivitives which were bought by municipalities hedge funds and world wide.
The derivitives went bust. The losses are called write offs by Banks that owned these crooked derivitives.
Towns and Counties across the US have lost their shirts on these derivitive purchases and lost taxes as people lose their homes.

The USA now needs a new engine which seems to be POLICE STATE SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. not a good sign. however you an now buy a tazer in leopard skin high fashion and sell almost any high ticket hair brained scheme to Homeland Security.

Corporatism continues to push to privatize everything in the country from the Presidency and everthing else that was once considered to be shared federal resources. Shit even the Statue of Liberty is privatized when you are able to see that private contractors really run the whole show in this new system of Milton Friedman extreme capitalism

My idea for the econmomic engine that would pay the best benefits is new energy development and hug investment in solar and othe viable alternatives.   Big Oil would rather block these efforts and milk this country for its last dime.

We need an engine. If your car doesn't have one its just a 2 ton couch.
Multinational corporations and Wall street have put their money elsewhere and at a time of disasters and a desperate need for an infrastructure we spent all our BORROWED money paying private contractors for a war in Iraq that was suppose to end with our stealing the oil...but we lost.

What are we going to do?