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Thread #107495   Message #2231249
Posted By: Richard Bridge
08-Jan-08 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kucinich files a complaint
Subject: RE: BS: Kucinich files complaint
The UK used to have a "balance" requirement in broadcasting. Not since Murdoch.

Kucinich is entirely correct that media ought to be insulated from non-media interests, but there are two other needs in that are.

First, there ought to be restrictions on concentrations of media power - so that a powerful block of print and broadcast media cannot become a publicity machine (eg Murdoch, with the Sun, the Times, and Sky). Look what Berlusconi achieved in Italy withthat sort of unaccountability.

Second, there should be a balance requirement in policitical broadcasting during elections - here we had Con, Lab, and Lib-Dem getting equal time, and some fun and games about the BNP and the Socialist Workers Party (and now Respect).

When the "election" is internal to determine a party's presidential candidate, similar rules ought to apply.

Of course, simple broadcast policitcal advertising ought to be banned outright: it simply adds power to the wealthy - but maybe just maybe the internet can start to emasculate that.